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Scenery of human bodies – Otherscapes by Carl Warner
Countless poets compared human bodies to landscapes, valleys, hills and rivers. Photographer Carl Warner expressed the same sentiment in what he does the best - creating photo-landscapes that aren't. In series "Otherscapes" he manipulated beautiful body close-ups in to multiple collages to achieve imaginary deserts, hills and boulders - recognizable to be human bodies at the closer look only. More of Carl's work can be found here. Photos by Carl Warner [...]
Photo-realistic paintings by Omar Ortiz
With his impeccable sense of human form and attention to detail, for over 10 years Mexican artist Omar Ortiz has been creating series of photo-realistic paintings that celebrates female form and sensuality.  Here are just a few samples of his paintings and close-ups. You can see more of his work here as well. Paintings by Omar Ortiz [...]
How to seduce women. Lessons from Beard & Moustache Championships
Pick-up artists, teachers in the art of seduction and new age "casanovas" of all types met in New Orleans to share in the latest techniques of female seduction. Techniques and methods might differ, but all participants agreed on one thing: facial hair and unique looks are important. Las Vegas based photographer Greg Anderson was on hand to chronicle this famous event... Ok, ok... how we wish that was the case if just for the sake of funnies... (for those of us who doesn't know what "tongue in cheek" is - read below): What's better event for portrait photographer to attend than National Beard and Moustache Championships, full of characters ready to pose, and what's better city to have such a championship than New Orleans. Las Vegas based photographer Greg Anderson took opportunity of both and the result is a stunning collection of portraits as if they stepped from the movie set. Some of them beards might not play well with your current employment (especially if you're working as a [...]
Daredevils take captivating pictures from top of Shanghai Tower
Two Russian daredevils Vadim Mahorov and Vitaliy Raskalov scaled Shanghai Tower and documented their journey to the top of worlds second tallest building. They picked Chinese New Year so the building that is still under construction will be empty and spent many hours taking the most incredible pictures from what seems to be the top of the world. Vitaliy and Vadim reached the top of the crane on the rooftop and stood at around 650 meter high taking very daring pictures that we would not see otherwise. You have to watch their video below to see to what extremes they went to take these fascinating pictures. View more of their incredible journeys Vadim Mahorov | Vitaliy Raskalov Images via Vadim Mahorov | Vitaliy Raskalov [...]
Alternate reality situations in paintings by Caleb Brown
Some of Caleb's artwork seem to be inspired by the last years TV guilty pleasure "Sharknado", other paintings just depict bizarre "what if it was possible" situations.  Clever and thought provoking. Whether it is flying sharks, giant insects or building size rodents - it might be the future we'll bring upon ourselves if we're not careful. Paintings by Caleb Brown   [...]
Imaginary barriers and virtual segregation in Hector Arnau’s “In Boxes”
Compare our world of today to the one as recent as 20 years ago. Thanks to internet, social media, "artificial" online friends, gratification of instant contact - world "shrunk", brought us closer - virtually. But are we really closer? Barcelona based photographer Hector Arnau in his photo series called "In Boxes", explores theme of human compartmental segregation - often self imposed. "In Boxes" provides not so modest narrative on false virtual lives many of us live. We separate ourselves by artificial ("cardboard") barriers, not allowing, or maybe forgetting of real human contact and not able to show who we truly are inside. Characters in the pictures making an effort to get out of their confined spaces, unable to break imaginary barriers, separations that we've created to protect vulnerable selves. Aren't we similarly trying to escape claustrophobic state of starvation for human contact, and then in futile desperation reach out to online worlds just to be-friend this faceless avat [...]
Valentine’s Series by Naman Photography
"Very, very bloody valentine". Not stranger to grotesque and shocking, American photographer Wes Naman created "Valentines Day" series depicting animated and bizarre characters painted in "colors of love". Photography by: Wes Naman [...]
Flashback: Dream-like Sculptures by Motohiko Odani
Motohiko Odani sculptures are so amazing they are worth revisiting again. As if defying gravity they have fragile quality about them like created by brush strokes in three-dimentional space. More of Motohiko's work can be found here. Visit Motohiko Odani for more of his work. [...]