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Cute and Stylish Beasts in ad campaign by 180 Amsterdam
Creative ad agency 180 Amsterdam is behind some of the most creative advertising campaigns for long list of famous brands like Adidas, Asics, Playstation and Western Union. 180 Amsterdam print advertisement campaign for brand "Barber Shaves and Trims" called "Tame the Beast"is both cute and warmly funny. There is a beast in every man eager to get out - why not to have some facial grooming along the way... For more of creative advertisement campaigns visit 180 Amsterdam. [...]
Bar Oppenheimer by artist Tobias Rehberger, New York
New York is the ultimate mecca of multiculturalism, and now the city welcomes its latest international import: Tobias Rehberger’s Bar Oppenheimer. [...]
Feel Like a Spider in This New Steel Wire Web
His largest and most ambitious work to date, In Orbit by Argentinian artist Tomas Saraceno is the closest one may ever come to feeling like a spider. Working with a team of architects, engineers and biologists over a three year period, Saraceno is finally ready to debut this monumental mesh construction that suspends over 25 meters above the piazza of the K21 Standehaus museum in Dusseldorf, Germany. On June 22, visitors will be able to climb on the gigantic steel wire construction that spans three levels. The mesh net alone weighs three tons and there are half a dozen "spheres" or inflated PVC balloons positioned within it. No joke, for this installation, the artist studied the methods of various spiders to see how they constructed their intricate webs. Just like them, visitors coordinate their activities with one another, perceiving space through the medium of vibration. Of course, there are few rules to entering "the orbit." Visitors will receive instructions on how to scale i [...]
Chain Link Fencing As Art by Soo Sunny Park
A glistening sculptural installation made up of metal chain link fencing and iridescent Plexiglas that bounces rainbows of color when light hits it. American artist Soo Sunny Park took over Rice Gallery, part of Rice University in Houston, Texas, with a glistening, labor intensive, abstract installation called Unwoven Light. The suspended piece is made up of 37 individual units composed of chain link fencing that is arranged into a sculptural form that’s all about light. As you make your way around the space, the ever-changing rainbows of color bounce off each piece of iridescent Plexiglas that has been wired into the openings of the metal fence. The coated Plexiglas causes the light to “unweave” making each shape turn from clear to colorful as light hits them. [...]
Baharash Architecture Wins Dubai Sustainable City Project
Emerging London-based firm Baharash Architecture has been selected to design phase 2 of the 46-hectar Dubai Sustainable City development. The practice is set to open an office in Dubai following the victory against international anonymous teams from the United States, Lebanon, Jordan, UK, and UAE. Phase 2 consists of a Mixed-Use Zone, a Juma Mosque, an Institute for Ecological Engineering, a Museum & Planetarium, a “Green” School for K-6, an Eco-Resort, Country Club and Equestrian Center. [...]
Peace Pavilion by Atelier Zundel Cristea
Human beings carry within them nostalgia of a primordial happiness from ancient times. The notion of a return to these origins of happiness is often associated with Nature. Our intention is to encourage inhabitants to participate in fun, uncommon events taking place within the urban landscape: an inflatable bridge equipped with giant trampolines rises above the Seine, a pavilion erected in a London park, a museum traversed by a roller coaster. These projects offer, in the heart of the city, new forms of Elysian Fields, given over not to the Champs-Élysées of shopping and strictly urban activities, but rather to fundamental human practices, which liberate strong emotions calling on all our senses. [...]
Guns’N’Porcelain – Magnus Gjoen softens the image of destruction
I love contrasts (hence the reference to the name of legendary Guns'N'Roses). Love, when artist takes extremes of any dimension and collides opposites in most unusual and surprising ways. More surprising - the better... Magnus Gjoen took the objects that we usually associate with destruction and harm, and illustrated them with soft feel good imagery of fine art, porcelain patterns and classic paintings. Suddenly the tools of destruction transformed into harmless, decorative nick'nacks we can find in our grandma's fine china cabinet.  (I can completely imagine some sweet old lady personalizing her AK-47 with flowery decoupage). Destructive get's a friendly facelift. More of Magnus Gjoen work can be found here. Images by Magnus Gjoen [...]
Shipping Container Hybrid House by ecotechdesign
ecotechdesign has just completed a completely off-the-grid shipping container hybrid house and photo studio in Joshua Tree, which is located in California’s Mojave desert. The project combines high-efficiency construction methods with smart design, which means that consumers now have an option beyond prefabricated homes. ecotechdesign offers sustainable, recycled, and affordable habitats that are generally much more accessible than past prefabricated options. They like to call it “uncontained” living. Also known as The Tim Palen Studio at Shadow Mountain, the hybrid home is a 2nd generation kit-like house that is an alternative to pre-fab homes. The hybrid house design is based on the Prius automobile engineering concept: combining pre-engineered building and energy conservation with custom design options and flexibility. The basic home is made from recycled steel ISO containers, a Butler pre-engineered building, a 10,000 gallon steel water tank, and a metal shade canopy wi [...]